Yard signs

This is one of the best and easiest ways to make a difference at this election.

We’re asking all people of faith to give these fantastic yard signs out through your faith community. This is a super-easy way to help make the climate a voting issue where you live. At the last election these ended up everywhere and climate organisations across the country are aiming to make it even bigger this time. Faith communities are a perfect local network to hand these out through.

An effective and popular message

The message is simple and (for most people) not contentious. It just reads Climate Action Now. All over the country, even in the most conservative electorates, around 70% of people agree with this sentiment.

You don’t need permission to hand them out

There is no need to ask anyone’s permission to give these out in your faith community. It’s a simple matter of turning up at worship and letting people know you’ve got a bunch of these signs in the boot of your car.

If there is official buy-in, even better! Why not get something up into your newsletter or in a pew sheet?

They’re free

 As in zero dollars and zero cents.

Order directly from the people who make them

Climate Action Network Australia (CANA) makes these. It goes straight from them to you and you can order as many or as few as you want. ARRCC doesn’t need to hold stock. Simply fill out the form below.

Anywhere is a good place for them

The best thing is there is no bad place for these to go. On a fence? Great. On a letterbox? Perfect. In a safe Teal or Green seat, a Labor or a Coalition one? Not a problem. We want every candidate and journalist to know the local mood where you live.


Making a video about it

If you want to double your impact, why not makie a short video for social media about the fact that you're giving out yard signs? Everything you need is here.

Marginal electorates help the most

Ideally, we are trying to get as many people as possible in marginal electorates to put these up. That is where we can make the most difference. Can you call a few places of worship in those locations to ask them to distribute these? Please go to our election page and fill out the form at the bottom of the page.

You can choose how many places of worship you would like to contact. You will then be sent a guide and list of people to call. 

If you'd like to know more before diving in, please contact our community organiser, Tejopala, on [email protected] or phone him on 0498 475 056. (Melbourne office hours). 


You'd be calling existing supporters
We have a list of around 100 such places that already support ARRCC. They'll probably be happy to hear from you!

You don't need to live in the electorate to call someone there
Anyone can contact these places of worship, whether you live locally or not.

How to get involved in calling in marginal electorates
Please go to our Election 2025 page and fill out the form at the bottom of that page to register your interest in making a few phone calls. We will get in touch and get you set up. 

This page will also shortly include a guide to calling including an email you can send people.

Calling faith communities you know

Alternatively you might already know a few places of worship you could call. Please do! And ask them to fill out the form at the bottom of this page.


How to order the yard signs

Simply fill out the form below and they will be sent to you!