Making the voices of people of faith heard


We’ve finally got a Federal Government that is starting to address the climate crisis, so things have started to change. But there’s still so much to do. Australia remains the world’s third largest exporter of fossil fuels. Labor is still pressing ahead with new coal and gas projects and continues to subsidise those industries. First Nations’ land rights are largely being ignored. And the Government has yet to restart our contributions to the UN Green Climate Fund. 

We clearly need even more of a shift among mainstream Australians so they’ll demand more from our leaders. 

People of faith are some of the most significant voices in making that shift happen. Society needs our moral voice. The depth of our faith and conviction can move hearts and minds and change the world we live in. 

In the past year, we’ve taken some huge steps. Can you help us keep this momentum going?

During the election people of faith were busy meeting MPs and other candidates in key electorates, holding vigils outside their offices and putting up bold banners outside our places of worship. In October more than 100 senior faith leaders from Australia and the Pacific, along with First Nations leaders,wrote to Prime Minister Albanese asking him to reduce public support for new coal and gas mining  and to get behind a Fossil Fuel Non Proliferation Treaty. To support this, people of faith held beautiful and moving multi faith services across the country. We also threw ourselves into a campaign to Move Australia Beyond Coal  by 2030. And we held workshops on divesting from fossil fuels. 

Thanks to everyone who helped make these things happen! ARRCC's great work is only possible because so many people of faith believe that protecting the earth is a sacred responsibility and are prepared to give their time, energy and/or financial support to make it possible.

The difference your donation will make

We need your support so that we make the voices of people of faith heard even more clearly - by our federal representatives and by corporations thinking of doing business with the coal industry. With more professional organising capacity we can get more great media coverage and build a powerful movement of dedicated volunteers all over Australia.

Thank you to all those wonderful people who already give us around $21,000 each year in monthly donations. This is enormously helpful. It provides us with a degree of stability. However, costs continue to rise and,  at the same time, we’re getting more ambitious. This is possibly the most crucial time in human history.

Our target

Our goal is to find 15 new monthly donors. Could you spare, say, $20 a month? That’s what we’d really like. However if a regular donation doesn’t suit you, we’re also aiming for $8000 in one-off donations.

How to donate

You can arrange it via this page, or to donate via PayPal click here. Or if you prefer, you can organise for direct transfers of your chosen amount into the ARRCC Bank Australia account. Details are here:


Bank Australia


313 140

Account number:


Account name:

ARRCC Gift Fund

We are pleased to be able to let donors know that, from 23rd May, 2024, donations of $2 and over are now tax-deductible.

A donation receipt for the previous financial year can be supplied on request after 30th June of that year. Please direct requests for annually donation receipts to Paul via [email protected]

Note also that ARRCC reserves a small portion of monthly donations and large organisational donations as a membership fee, which is not regarded by the ATO as tax-deductible. 


    Thank you! We really appreciate your support!

15 donors
Target: 15

We welcome all new monthly donors, as well as the one-off gifts of other supporters. The total amount raised so far through both one-off and monthly donations is $10,692

When people of faith take climate action, it inspires hope. By giving a regular donation, you can help make this possible.