Make a commitment online and be part of Living the Change
If you'd like to respond at a personal level, we invite you to make a commitment via the commitment tool:
At this site, you can make a pledge, which says that you will actively take an interest in this aspect of your life; or a commitment, which says you will make a lifestyle change which will reduce your personal emissions.
Living the Change upholds two of our deepest convictions:
- We believe the Earth is a sacred gift.
- We believe each of us has the responsibility to live in a way that supports and sustains our common home.
While world leaders have agreed to keep global warming to a 1.5⁰C limit, current trends have us headed for at least twice that level and a truly devastating future. We urgently need a massive reduction in greenhouse gas emissions as soon as possible.
Clearly, strong government policies are vital to addressing the climate crisis. We also recognise that environmentally sustainable lifestyles can and must be part of the solution. Such living commitments are inherently good and can help transform the world’s cultures so that the proper laws and policies gain the support they richly deserve.
See also
Buy sustainably
The teacher of some elementary students in Alabama, USA, contacted ARRCC after Christmas in 2022 to say that the students had found the ARRCC website a helpful resource for living more sustainably. To return the favour, they picked out another good resource about steps we can take as individuals to be more eco-friendly, a "Guide to Green Shopping" -
It has great info on sustainable shopping, buying green and buying local. A big THANK YOU to the students!
Resources from ClimateClever (2022)
ClimateClever is Australia’s first community-based carbon reduction platform and is currently working with over 130 schools, 32 Local Governments and over 120 businesses nationally. It is a social enterprise that offers free resources to help households, schools, organisations and businesses to reduce their carbon footprint.
Here is a quick summary of ClimateClever's offerings. Signing up is free, then guests can opt to up-grade, but there's no obligation to do so.
The platform is especially popular with schools. After the students assist with an audit, a fee of $500 (cost in June 2022) provides practical pathways to both saving emissions and saving thousands of dollars in energy bills.
Videos of people Living the Change
The Right Reverend Bishop Philip Huggins, Anglican Archdiocese of Melbourne, Oodthenong Episcopate, and President of the National Council of Churches in Australia
Rabbi Jonathan Keren-Black, Jewish Ecological Coalition
Sr Elizabeth Young rsm, Sisters of Mercy
Philippa Rowland, Australian Mahayana Buddhist