Organisation Membership

Here's where your organisation can RENEW your membership or become a member of ARRCC for the first time!  

By renewing or becoming a member, you'll be contributing to our common mission of creating a safer climate, work which transcends our differences and is rooted in our various spiritual traditions. Decision-makers view the number of members as an important marker of an organisation's importance, for example, the breadth of our membership base strengthens our position when we advocate for policy changes with our nation’s leaders. Membership fees help keep us going too. 

Your organisation will be joining with others as a national body of like-minded faith-based organisations and people of faith. Show your commitment by distributing to your members our newsletter and other news we may send.

Alone we can do a little - together we can do so much!

If you would also like to make a donation, either a one-off or monthly, please go to https://www.arrcc.org.au/donate. We would appreciate it. Note that donations are tax-deductible but membership fees are not. We also like to reward monthly and large donations with a low-cost membership of $6. See here for more information about this. 

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