Rise Up - electorate of Wills

As part of the massive Rise Up week of action (April 29 to May 10) across Australia, people of all faiths are invited to join with supporters of Climate Action Merribek in presenting letters from local constituents to Labor MP Peter Khalil in the electorate of Wills. The letters will all ask him to support:

  • An end to new coal and gas projects
  • Stopping public money going to those industries
  • Reform of our main environment law to put protecting the climate at its heart.

You don't need to live in Wills to come along.

There will be an ARRCC banner there with the words 'Protect Creation - No New Coal and Gas'. Come and hold one end of it!

Rise Up is all about asking the Labor Government to keep us safe by putting an end to new coal and gas projects. Join with others from across the movement in making sure that this government gets the message. 

Writing letters to hand over

If you do happen to live in Wills, we're also asking you to find a few others in your faith community to write a short letter to Mr Khalil to be handed over. The letter should ask him to do the three things mentioned above. Please mention the congregation you're part of, if you have one. Please also write a sentence or two about how your faith informs your concerns about the climate. 

You can either bring the letters from your faith community on the day, or mail them ahead of time to:

Climate Action Merribek
P.O. Box 381
Fawkner 3060

Can you organise a few letters to hand over?

May 10, 2024 at 11:00am - 12pm
Office of Peter Khalil MP
466-468 Sydney Rd
Coburg, VIC 3058