We All Live Here - a faith-based Stop Adani campaign

We All Live Here – faith communities helping to Stop Adani

The We All Live Here campaign provides you with a toolkit which you can use with others in your congregation to put pressure on your MP in between now and the next federal election. There are five action steps.

ARRCC’s community organiser, Tejopala Rawls, is available online and by phone to provide support in using the kit.


The crucial role of people of faith

Faith communities can make far more difference than we often think. We can play a big part in the climate movement even with relatively small numbers. We can speak about the need to act from the basis of love and compassion, and say in straightforward manner and with a voice that has both credibility and symbolic power in the mainstream media that protecting the Earth is a sacred duty. It is much easier for us to do this than it is for anyone else.

The campaign will make sure that federal MPs and Senators all across Australia hear that same clear values-based message from people of faith in their local area - that it's time to move beyond coal, starting by stopping the Adani coal mine.

For more details see We All Live Here.