Ecological Conversion - Responding to the Cry of the Earth
Tuesday 31st May @ 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm
St Leonard's Catholic Church
Cnr Donnelly Road and Willoughby Rd Naremburn, 20165
Tea & Coffee served afterwards - No Cost
Patrica Gemmell is passionate about Ecological Theology and the hope it holds for our global future. She is a wife, mother of four children and a retired teacher of Latin, French and Italian and has a BA (Hons), Dip Ed. In 2014 she graduated with a Masters in Theology from Newcastle University.
Particia is currently part of the International Grail Movement and serving on their Australian National Leadership Team.
This talk will be a summary of the key points Particia will be presenting in Portugal as part of a series of 5 lectures to be held in July this year, inspired by Pope Francis' encycliacal, Laudato SI.
After her presentation, Particia will be hosting a Q&A sytle forum.
RSVP to Lower North Shore Parish Office
E: [email protected] P: 9958 8846