People Climate March
People’s Climate March
We’re all invited to a turning point in history!
As the world’s leaders gather in Paris to determine what kind of collective action humanity will take to slow global warming, massive People’s Marches will be staged across the globe to give the people of a world a voice – and we’re all invited.
In Australia the Marches will take place in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, with significant mobilisations in Adelaide, Canberra and Perth, from November 27-29 2015. In twenty or thirty years, when our kids and grandkids ask us if we were there, this is the March they will be asking about. Are you in? Go to
Let’s make our faith presence strong and visible! Here are the times, places and faith contact persons for the capital city mobilisations:
Melbourne: starting at the State Library 5.30pm Friday 27 November: Cath James, [email protected]
Brisbane: starting at Queen’s Park 9.30am Saturday 28 Nov: [email protected]
Cairns: starting at Cairns Environment Centre 8am, Saturday 28 Nov.
Adelaide: starting at Torrens Parade Ground, 11am Sunday 29 Nov: [email protected] & Ingo, [email protected]
Canberra: starting at Parliament House 12pm Sunday 29 Nov: Gill King, [email protected]
Sydney: starting at the Domain 1pm Sunday 29 Nov: Julie Macken, [email protected]
Perth: starting at Wellington Square 1pm Sunday 29 Nov: Nigel Hayward [email protected]
Hobart: starting at Parliament Lawns 1pm Sunday 29 Nov: Terry Sussmilch, [email protected]
People’s Climate Marches in regional centres: details here.
Have you signed up? Go to
While undoubtedly there will be more ambition developed after Paris, the intention of this next round of UN climate negotiations is to set up the architecture for a new international agreement.
We’re likely to collectively be part of the largest mobilisation the world has ever seen. To make the People’s Marches work, we all need to step up and play our own role in making them happen.
At this stage, the one organisation clearly focussed on ensuring the voices of many faiths are heard at these People’s Climate Marches is us – ARRCC.
So, no pressure but… it looks like it is down to you and I to ensure that people from across all faiths, Buddhist, Jewish, Islamic, Christian, Hindu and Baha’i are welcomed and have a place in these rallies.
To do this we need to get organized. One way to do this is to get everyone who is willing to help to send your name and email address to the various contact persons in your capital city (if you're in a capital city) Julie Macken: [email protected] will work with everyone to coordinate the work.
Ask others to come along with you to the March - your friends, family and people in your networks. How about getting up in front of your faith community at one of your services/gatherings?
Members and friends in Sydney, we’re having a banner-painting day at the Greenpeace warehouse, 5-7 Byrnes St, Botany on Saturday November 7th, starting at 9.30 am. People are free to share their faith-related suggestions for what could go on those banners, slogans that make it clear that people of faith are present at the March. Send suggestions to [email protected]
The national PCM Facebook page is and please promote it to your networks.
National Climate Doorknock: To amplify the impact of the Marches, on Saturday 14 November we will hold a National Climate Doorknock to encourage people to turn out. Please save the date, and we will be in touch with more information soon.
With all the heartache being felt across the world today, these rallies give us the opportunity to have our voices heard, but also to come together and share and celebrate our humanity and care and compassion for this beautiful planet and each other.
Please let’s make this a true celebration from across all our shared faith communities.
Julie Macken
(ARRCC Board member)