Climate Change and Sustainability Forum
Climate change forum to highlight solutions
- School students, churches and sustainability groups collaborate about community-focused sustainability event
- A panel of experts at Geelong West Town Hall to provide the latest climate science, solutions and inspire local action
- The event will highlight surprising new developments in local communities in the Blue Mountains, local governments in Melbourne and the United States
There is a hunger in the community for information about what we can do about climate change. Young people have different questions than older generations, but everyone is on the lookout for action and for learning about how we can step up to the challenge.
Geelong Inter-Church Social Justice Network in partnership with local sustainability groups is providing this opportunity for people to get clarity on this in the Geelong West Town Hall this Thursday evening, 11 October.
Invigorate our city
“Do we actually know where we are regarding climate change? Because if we don't, how can we make the right decisions?,” asks Ian Yule, a former principal and a TESOL teacher, who is the President of the Network and coordinator of the event:
“I don’t believe the people of Geelong know accurately where we are at or what we could be doing. If we want to be Clever and Creative, we have to know our starting point and what our options are. This event with a panel of people at the forefront of their fields will open up opportunities for real action that can invigorate our city. We need to be better informed about what options we have individually and together, and what other people, groups and cities are doing who are leading the way,” he says.
Regardless of faith or spiritual paths, this evening is about inspiring local action on climate change in all sectors – local government and business as well as the community – and in all areas: the arts, health, finance, infrastructure, planning, communications, technology, welfare, food, health and wellbeing, and sport.
Pope Francis: Replace coal, oil and gas without delay
The title of the event – ‘Care for our common home’ – is taken from the Encyclical letter of Pope Francis on this subject. Pope Francis takes a very strong stand in his letter on the view that polluting our common home, the Earth, is a sin. He argues vigorously that this change imposes a heavy moral obligation on humans to care for our environment and to protect those most vulnerable to the impact of climate change.
“Highly polluting fossil fuels – especially coal, but also oil and, to a lesser degree, gas – needs to be progressively replaced without delay.”
~ Pope Francis in Laudato Si’ 165______________________________________________________________________
Thursday 11 October 2018 at 7:00–9:30pm
Geelong West Town Hall, 153 Pakington Street, Geelong West
All welcome to explore the key question of the evening:
“Individually and collectively, what can we do?”
Panel, talks and music
Benefit from hearing from a dedicated number of first class speakers:
- Graeme Anderson:Climate Specialist-Agriculture Victoria; • Liz Bastian: The Big Fix – a solutions-focused media service • Adrian Whitehead: Community Action in the Climate Emergency • Dan Cowdell: Community Energy Project Officer • Mik Aidt:Centre for Climate Safety • Jasper Harris: Geelong College • Alex Marshall: Generation Waking Up • Mick Leahy: ‘Wrap up’.
This panel of experts will share ideas about how we can individually and collaboratively take action to restore and preserve ecosystems that life depends on. Followed by Q&A and with information stalls delivering solutions and inspiration.
Music performance by the youth-trio The Solar Buskers
Welcome to country: Naomi Surtee. MC: Margie Abbott
All welcome to this free event.