We invite you to join us in making a commitment to a sustainable lifestyle as part of Living the Change, a global multi-faith campaign coordinated by GreenFaith in the US.
Living the Change upholds two of our deepest convictions:
- We believe the Earth is a sacred gift.
- We believe each of us has the responsibility to live in a way that supports and sustains our common home.
While world leaders have agreed to keep global warming to a 1.5⁰C limit, current trends have us headed for at least twice that level and a truly devastating future. We urgently need a massive reduction in greenhouse gas emissions as soon as possible.
Clearly, strong government policies are vital to addressing the climate crisis. We also recognize that environmentally sustainable lifestyles can and must be part of the solution. Such living commitments are inherently good and can help transform the world’s cultures so that the proper laws and policies gain the support they richly deserve.
The Living the Change campaign is our response to this higher calling. We invite you to join us by making a personal commitment to walk more gently on the Earth. Please, help us honour our precious planet. Become part of our globally-connected community of consciousness and conscience. You can make a commitment in three areas of behaviour – transport, home energy use, and diet – which leading scientists have identified as critically important for truly sustainable lifestyles.
People representing diverse faiths and cultures all around the world are making commitments at this very moment. These commitments will be presented publicly at the Global Climate Action Summit (GCAS) in San Francisco on September 12th, and later at the UN climate negotiations in Poland. We hope you will make your commitment today so that it can serve as an inspiration for others around the world!
We look forward to being in touch over the weeks and months to come with more news about Living the Change. For today, please make a personal commitment and join us in cherishing, safeguarding and celebrating the beauty of the Earth for all people and all life.
ever onwards!
Thea Ormerod