Rally Against Middle Arm, ACT
Canberra supporters, there's a Day of Action against the impact that gas is having on our health and our climate.
Rally against Middle Arm
8-9am, Tuesday 8th August
Federation Mall, Parliament House
Endorsed by ACF and CANA, the rally was initiated by Senator David Pocock's office. They write: "Despite the government putting ‘sustainable’ into the name, Middle Arm will be an enormous gas processing and export terminal. It will open up the Beetaloo to fracking and enable other offshore gas fields to be exploited and exported. The Federal Government has committed $1.5 billion to this project.
Paediatricians are worried about what Middle Arm means for their community. Darwin could become a 'cancer alley'. Research out of the United States shows that we will likely see more birth defects, stillbirths, childhood cancers, asthma, mental health issues and deaths.
Alongside these awful health effects for people in Darwin, we know that climate change is the greatest health threat we face.
Will you help us send a strong message to the Government?
On 8 August, standing with paediatricians and parents from the Top End, we want to send a strong message to the Government that they need to consider the health impacts of Middle Arm and immediately withdraw funding for the project.
We have organised a rally out the front of Parliament House between 8.00 am - 9.00 am.
If we all stand together, we can show the Government that all of our communities are watching and are demanding action.
I hope you will be able to make it, and I hope you will be able to spread the word. Please RSVP using this link, so that we can keep you updated ahead of the rally."
Join ARRCC supporters at the rally.