Transforming Self, Transforming World ....
This event has been cancelled to slow the spread of COVID-19
Time: Friday, 20 March, 7 pm to Sunday, 22 March, 3 pm
Where: Vijayaloka Retreat Centre 7 Howard Rd, Minto Heights (SW of Sydney)
Our world is changing, with our present time being marked by a shared reality of climate change and ecological emergency. A creative, balanced response that can be sustainably maintained would serve us well in such testing times.
The teachings of the Buddha are very relevant in how we can respond. Buddhism offers practical advice on how we can personally be more expansive, open-hearted and inspired in our actions and views.
From this inner transformation a regenerative outer vision is born, one that is absolutely necessary to transform our world together, even when the odds seem stacked against us.
On Saturday we will be focusing on connecting with our embodied energies and emotions, and sharing our inspirations and challenges through mindful movement, meditation, discussion groups and art workshops.
On Sunday we will be exploring the myth of the Bodhisattva, (acting selflessly and tirelessly for the benefit of all beings), to help us connect to a higher vision of transformation. We will also explore the myths and symbols from the Sutra of Golden Light, one of the most beautiful of the Mahayana Sutras.
This retreat is suitable for those with extensive, some, little or no experience of Buddhist meditation practices and principles as we wish to make this as practical and accessible as possible.
All our group meditations will be gently guided, and for those with more experience there will be opportunities for silent practice.
This retreat is led by Gillian Reffell, Cara Rinaldi, Aryadharma and Arthacarya. They are all environmental and social activists with many years of Buddhist practice.