Taking action in your faith community

We as people of faith have a golden opportunity to make a difference. People reaching out to others that they know appears to be key to the Yes campaign’s chances of success according to Essential Media. It so happens that we as people of faith are often part of a community or congregation - people we can speak with directly. 

Here are some practical things that anyone can do in their faith community. Please consider one or more of the following.


Finding out more about the Voice yourself

The best place to start is to read the Uluru Statement or look at the excellent online annotated version of the Statement. Or you could watch the Uluru Statement from the Heart video (18 mins)

A great place for learning more about the Voice is this excellent self-training tool

Or you could go to an in-person community workshop about the Voice.

Getting a deeper feel for aspects of Indigenous Australia

Watch some of the excellent ABC One Plus One interviews with by Dan Bourchier with Aboriginal Elders 

Having a conversation in your faith community

Getting in professional facilitators
If you can muster 50 people or more the Walking Together Project will send one of their facilitators to come to you to run a workshop. For more information please email [email protected] 

Doing it yourself
If you're Christian, there is a great set of resources that have been put together by Common Grace called 'Table Talk Conversations'. The way it works is that you bring together a group of up to ten people in your home, church, anywhere you like, and they provide a package of things that help you hold a conversation. They're also running some Zoom sessions to answer any questions you may have about how to run these. Zoom details coming soon. Sign up to get your conversation package here.

And whatever faith you may be, or none, there are also some great guides to holding a conversation about the Voice available here, here and here

Giving people fact sheets

You might want to check out the fact sheets available on the Yes23 website, the government’s own website, or this amazing trove of fact sheets translated into no fewer than 45 languages.

More translated materials

SBS has the Uluru Statement translated into 65 languages 

The Commonwealth Government has a poster, infographic, fact sheet, social media materials, conversation guide, templates for newsletters, emails and web banners and a one-minute explanatory audio recording in English and Arabic, Chinese (traditional and simplified), Farsi, Greek, Hindi, Italian, Khmer, Korean, Macedonian, Pubjabi, Serbian, Spanish, Tagalog, Turkish Tagalog, Vietnamese.

Posters and banners

Why not put up a poster in your place of worship? They can be found in the community toolkit on the Commonwealth government website or the Yes23 site.

Or you could put up a banner outside your place of worship.


There are t-shirts, hoodies and all of the rest available at the Yes 23 online shop.