Collective Action

Take action with bank or super fund in solidarity with First Nations peoples

There is something we can do now that not only aligns our finances with our faith, but where we can show our solidarity with and respect for First Nations Australians. 'Walk With Us', a new documentary supported by Market Forces, tells the story of Gomeroi and Tiwi Islands Traditional Owners coming together to escalate the fight against Santos and its Narrabri and Barossa gas projects. These Traditional Owners have a powerful message for Australia’s banks and super funds: stop financing Santos and its destructive new gas projects.

Many of Australia’s biggest financial institutions - including the big 4 banks and some of our biggest super funds – claim to support the rights of Traditional Owners. Yet all of them continue to lend to and invest in Santos' dirty gas projects, even as Traditional Owners oppose these developments and challenge these projects in court.

This documentary shows exactly how the banks and super funds are using our money to finance Santos' climate wrecking plans. Representatives from both Gomeroi and Tiwi Islands communities have made it abundantly clear to Santos that they do not consent to their lands and waters being exploited for gas and that Santos is not welcome.

You can both watch the documentary and take action with your bank or super fund here: 
