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Media Release: Faith Groups Awarded for Environmental Excellence

Author: Miriam Pepper

That faith communities are leading the way in sustainability became evident at a formal Awards Dinner celebrating World Environment Day on 5th June. 

ARRCC at the Parliament of the World's Religions

Author: Miriam Pepper

Greater link to Copenhagen needed by Parliament
Greg O'Donnell - ARRCC Executive officer

The fifth Parliament of the World’s Religions (the first was in 1893) at Melbourne in December was a gala event in celebrating the diversity and similarities of the faiths of the world. The gathering offered a dazzling variety of cultural diversity in terms of ‘fashion’ - Hindu priests in white; bishops in purple; nuns in grey; pagans in colourfully patterned kaftans; rabbis in black; and Monks in maroon and yellow with a special group creating colourful sand mandalas. However the real celebration people were looking for called for a far greater vision than just wearing a religious garb. 

ARRCC Launches Meat-Free Day Initiative

ARRCC’s Meat-Free Day initiative was officially launched on 2nd October, Gandhi’s birthday, with a gesture common in Eastern traditions - the breaking of coconuts.