In 2013, GreenFaith Australia merged with ARRCC, to become a Victorian-based local chapter.
Greenfaith Australia formed as a grass-roots interfaith organisation with broad representation across different religious, age, gender, geographic and cultural groups in Melbourne. After working in partnership with ARRCC for some time it was decided that both organisations could be more effective by formalising the relationship.
With ARRCC's headquarters in Sydney and GreenFaith's in Melbourne, ARRCC is now better equipped to reach out to more faith communities. We are continuing to build partnerships with faith communities, religious bodies and institutions and faith-based organisations around Australia.
GreenFaith/ARRCC meets monthly at "Borderlands", 2 Minona St, Hawthorn on a Sunday evening 5.30 - 7.30. This includes an informal meal, brief presentation and discussion. For more details, contact [email protected] . All are welcome.
The following are extracts from GreenFaith Australia's website:
Who Are We?
Greenfaith Australia brings together people from different faith communities and spiritualities in Melbourne to respond holistically in thought, practice, community and spirit to the ecological problems our diverse multifaith society is facing.
We seek to learn from the wisdom of the faith traditions in responding ethically to our ecological environment.
We hope to act practically on ecological issues and through action create opportunities for interfaith fellowship and learning.
As a young organisation we welcome participation from all those with a genuine interest in fostering ecological and cultural flourishing through diversity.
Statement of Purpose
1. To bring together people from the different faiths in responding to environmental issues.
2. To learn from the wisdom of the faith traditions in responding ethically to our ecological environment.
3. To act practically on ecological issues aimed at healing ourselves and our environment.
4. Through this action, to create opportunities for interfaith friendship and learning.
5. To foster ecological and cultural flourishing through diversity.